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Purpose of Study [Kenkyū no mokuteki]

Focus of Practise [Keiko no shōten]

Forging Exercises [Tanren ??? ]

Combative Distance [Maai]

Attacking [Kōgeki]                  

Stages of Attack [Kōgeki no Dankai]

Uke relationships [Uke no kankei]

Hand Management [Te Sabaki]

Feet Management [Ashi Sabaki]

Body Management [Tai Sabaki]

Stages of Merging [Awase no Dankai]

Taking the Initiative [Sossen]
Progression of Forms [Kata Shinkō]

Freestyle Technique [Jiyu Waza]

Weapons Study [Buki Kenkyū]

o   Unsoku Dousa

o   Upper body warmup - Shoulder Rolls, Chest Rolls

o   Trunk Warmup - revolved triangle pose / Reversed side angle pose, Hiki Otoshi 

- step back rt leg

- bend hips

- rt hand to lft toe

- raise left hand to sky 

o   Lower body mobility

- deep squat

- fold right knee in

- twist over left knee

- reverse

o   Feet coordination

- twist on balls of feet

- twist on heels of feet

- twist to left (left heel right ball)



Zombie Drill 

Te No Henko - Gassho Te, Dist Drill, Applications


Suri Age - Shomen Uchi Kaiten Nage, Irimi Nage, Ikkyo

Soto Giri - Tsuki - Kaiten Nage, Kore Mawashi, Kote Gaeshi


Uke Nagashi - Yokomen Uchi Nodo Tsuki Age, Kote Gaeshi


Stretching Warmup:


1.  to enable our current ROM not increase

2. to remove stiffness

3. to maintain/enable elastic storage capacity


Upper body

- salsa roll

- bachata chest


Trunk (revolved triangle pose / Reversed side angle pose)

- step back rt leg

- bend hips

- rt hand to lft toe

- raise left hand to sky


Hiki Otoshi


Lower body mobility

- deep squat

- fold right knee in

- twist over left knee

- reverse


Feet coordination

- twist on balls of feet

- twist on heels of feet

- twist to left (left heel right ball)

- twist to right (right heel left ball)

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